Mobile Usage & Engagement

What’s so current about mobile? Is it important for companies to go mobile? Yes. Do not undervalue the power of mobile.

Going digital is just a basic step, but to shift or integrate brands onto the mobile platform is another thing altogether because it encompasses details that impacts the consumer journey. Since being customer centric is key, UI and UX play an essential role in the customer mobile experience and usability. There are also different types of “formats” that impacts mobile experience and the question you should ask your business is : Will your brand have a website, progressive web app, mobile site or a mobile app?

Can a brand have all of these formats and what purpose will each serve? It is essential to justify how each platform / format/ type of content should be placed onto these formats and types of customers the brand seeks to engage because customers’ needs are vastly different from one same brand.

Let’s look at mobile usage functions as compared to other devices such as laptops, ipad, tablet, television or others. Mobile features have higher usage rate (effective engagement) in photo camera, video camera, motion sensor, touch screen, GPS, microphone, proximity, geographical connectivity and VR (virtual reality).

That means Mobile = important screen

With these mobile features intertwined into the lives of the large potential pool of world consumers, brands need to create/ build/ strengthen a team of mobile technology experts (both creatively and technically) to stay ahead of the race to provide quality mobile engagement. Some may find mobile has its limitation due to its screen size, but naysayers are why brands stay where they are or even decline. Challenging within these limits will be the reason why content and feature prioritization is key to mobile optimization. Brands that dedicate to create a brand experience through mobile (right place) , engages the right consumers with the right product at the right time will find greater success in the digital marketing world.

One quick tip: People often stay with what they know, they don’t look around or take any extra effort to explore and think outside the box. If you’re just a start up and obviously have a steep capital, consider leveraging on the latest social media platform but think creatively on how to engage your potential target audience. Then, leverage highly effective mobile functions by  getting your customers to engage in the app/activity for high customer engagement/ experiences. Any form of mobile format engagement to your target customers could be a hit, as long as your brand get the right awareness.

Some videos examples I’ve learn from Squared Online that will give you an idea on the above content:

Here’s L’Oreal leveraged the use of the mobile video camera:

This video shows how Philips leveraged the use of the microphone and bluetooth:


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